Here to Lounge, 2020
Here to Lounge
A project at Nook Gallery in Oakland, CA. I made cushions for the gallery’s built-in seating and a sign reading, “Welcome to this seating-centric space.” I was been thinking about the idea of an exhibition where the artwork comes to the visitor, so as a pilot of that idea, I placed lazy susans in the space. I curated a selection of objects from other artists into the show — all things that can be picked up and touched. Sometimes we can’t gather in person but experience a type of togetherness through artwork, especially artist multiples and things that travel easily.
Year: 2020
Size: Dimensions variable
Materials: Cushions, cut out letters, lazy susans, artist multiples
Participating artists:
Poster graphics by me. Photos by Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo and me.